Voidtamer Update 1.2.7

A bit of a bigger update this time - including new content, new art, and lots of new functionality.


- Minions: Crafting now requires 2 clay (up from 1).
- Fertile Soil: Renamed to Alchemical Clay.
- Books: Now remember their contents when picked up or placed in chests. Books stored in chests are retrieved in stack order (last in, first out).
- Pond Tiles: No longer destroy items on contact.
- Structures: Left-clicking while holding an item that can be placed will now throw that item if the selected tile cannot accept the associated structure. For example, trying to place a pylon on a pond tile will now toss the item instead of simply leaving the item in your hands.


- Minions have received new sprites and are now animated.


- Added UI for editing text in books.
- Structures' tooltips will now display a warning if their tiles are not sufficiently stabilized by pylons.


- The starter chest now contains a minion.
- Remnant sites can now spawn with walls, as well as chests containing items.

New Resource:

- Wood: Requires a new type of minion to harvest, obtained from trees. Wood is used for a few of the new crafting recipes, with more likely to come in future updates.

New Recipes:

- Sawmill: Crafted using wood and enchanted mechanisms at a workbench.
- Wall: Crafted using stone at a workbench.
- Book: Crafted using paper at a workbench.
- Woodcutting Minion: Crafted using binding crystals, alchemical clay and enchanted mechanisms at a kiln.
- Paper: Crafted using wood at an alchemy plinth.
- Bridge: Crafted using wood at a sawmill.

New Minion:

- Woodcutting Golem: Capable of cutting down trees to collect wood, a task that cannot be done by hand or with regular minions.

New Structures:

- Sawmill: A new crafting station, built at the workbench. It can only craft bridges for now, but more will likely come in future updates.
- Wall: An obstacle that prevents enemies from passing through, and prevents the tile it is placed on from falling into the void. It's quite handy, and is the first structure in the game that changes its sprite based on other structures around it!
- Bridge: On the other end of the spectrum, bridges allow passage through tiles you could not access before. Bridges can be placed on pond tiles to allow you to cross bodies of water, making it that much easier to conquer the map.


- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to place structures in unrevealed tiles.


Voidtamer 1.2.7.zip Play in browser
Dec 12, 2021

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